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Bee Love Entertainent

"Step into a cosmic ​vortex where Asian ​pop culture and fan ​collide in magic"

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The Magic

We're the go-to wizards for sprinkling Asian pop culture magic into Western worlds, from anime to street fashion and beyond! Let us work our mojo to weave a spell of success in new markets for you.

Who are we

About Us

Bee Love Entertainment (Bee Love 資訊組) is a social media expert ​specializing in targeting Boys Love (Yaoi/Series Y) and Girls Love (Yuri) ​audiences across Hong Kong, Taiwan, and an expanding number of ​followers in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.

Bee บี (Bevan Chuang) brings a rich background in arts management ​and audience engagement, fueled by over 20 years of avid immersion in ​LGBTQIA+ media. Since 2018, Bee has owned and operated Solutions ​By, a marketing and event company in New Zealand, with a focus on ​Asian audiences and culture. Bee is also an official administrator for ​several international fan clubs supporting artists and their global fan ​base.

Bee supported organisations suh as BLoved Entertainment and Th​e BL Xpress YouTube Channel. Two years ago, Bee embarked on t​heir journey as a BL/GL content creator, initially starting on BL劇討論​區|BL chun, a Taiwan-based Facebook discussion gr​o​up.

Renowned for delivering dependable content, Bee invests signifi​cant time in research to offer more than mere reviews. Their appr​oach fosters engaging and in-depth conversations, connecting audie​nces with the essence of the content beyond the surf​ace.

What we offer

  • We're all about serving up the juiciest, most fact-filled content to our awesome audience!
  • Calling all partners for epic collabs and sponsored magic!
  • Are you a wordsmith, filmmaker, or artist? Come join our interview party!
  • Dive into our buzzing audience across all the cool platforms!
  • We're pros at throwing events and wowing with PR magic!
  • Psst...our secret weapon? A blossoming gang of fans from down under in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand)!

(As of March 10, 2024)

Why work with us

Check Circle

Audience Engagement

Our fabulous crowd is all in for a lively chat about the nitty-gritty, the backstage scoop, and the art of spinning tales. It's not just about the mainstream trends, it's about diving deep into the storytelling universe!

Check Circle

Audience Insights

The bulk of our audience comprises females primarily from Taiwan and Hong Kong, aged 25 to 34, boasting considerable purchasing power. They seek top-notch programming and willingly invest in legitimate content (like streaming platforms), fan support, and merchandise.

In contrast, our Western viewers are predominantly younger, aged 18 to 34, with over 60% hailing from the United States, exhibiting robust engagement levels. They gravitate towards insightful and cerebral discourse.

Meanwhile, our Australian and New Zealand viewers skew older, aged 30 and above, yet retain substantial purchasing capabilities.

Check Circle

Experienced Team

Bee have been buzzing around hosting epic events since 2007 - from local shindigs and cultural bashes to star-studded concerts like A-Mei Chang and the upcoming K-Festival in Auckland 2023!

Check Circle

What we provide

Compile all the deets in Traditional Chinese for the cool cats in Taiwan and Hong Kong. For the folks in the US, Australia, and New Zealand, dish out the info in English. And don't forget to sprinkle in some Traditional or Simplified Chinese subtitles when needed. Your audience will be clapping and cheering for more!

Engagement - Facebook and Instagram

Facebook - Total Followers 2,427

82% are female, 18% male

62% from Taiwan; 12% from Hong ​Kong; 8% Malaysia

Instagram - Total Followers 1,217

87% are female, 13% male

40% from Taiwan; 23% from Hong ​Kong; 7% USA; 5% Thailand; 3% ​Malaysia

Age Group: 25 - 44

(As of Jun 29, 2024)

Engagement - Tiktok

Total Followers: 5,122

80% female and 20% male


39% USA

20% Philippines

7% United Kingdom

6.5% Thailand

5.5% Indonesia

Age Group: 18 - 34

(As of June 29, 2024)

Latest interview

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